showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
XUltima IV  author? labelminimizeminimize
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar Origin1988
[52]***Comes on one 3.5" disk.
The Ninja Warriors Sales Curve;Virgin Games (Random Access)1989 labelimageminimize
SAS Combat Simulator  Codemasters (Optimus)1990 labelimageminimize
The Gold of the Aztecs U.S. Gold (Kinetica)1990 labelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder SSI;U.S. Gold (Westwood Associates)1991 labelimageminimize
BloodFest Mellow Chips1995BloodFest is a first-person "dungeon crawler" style of RPG, with a sci-fi setting: you are on a spaceship in deep space, investigating after something went very wrong during an experiment in using wormholes for interstellar travel. The visual style of the game resembles first-person shooters, especially Doom, but you control the game with a mouse cursor instead of direct controls. There is an action bar at the bottom of the screen that includes a weapon selector, an "attack" button to use the selected weapon, six arrow buttons for moving and turning, a visual display of the protagonist's face, and a text line for describing objects you are looking at. labelimagesubject